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'Happiness is
13 Spooky Kids Books to Spice Up this Halloween
Looking forward to Halloween? What gets your kids into the Halloween mood? Jack-o’-lanterns? Corn husks? Candy? What about stories? Those spooky thrillers, witch/magic novels, and spine-tingling horror stories? Halloween is around the corner. It's a great time to surprise them with some spooky
18 Fantastic Books to Gift This Festive Season
A book is a gift that you can open again and again – Garrison Keillor Books make for great gifts. They never need batteries, can travel anywhere with you and will delight your little one many times over. From graphic novels
7 Inspiring Books on Sports for Kids
“A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.” - Pat Riley While a lot of conversations on sports revolve around winning and losing, stories on sports and sportspersons are full of many valuable life lessons. These stories reflect the attitude
BookGuru’s Top Picks For July
Children’s books are filled with unique characters, emotions, experiences, perspectives that are sometimes so relatable and at other times weave a different world altogether. Some books make the reader laugh, some inspire, some get them thinking, but what all books
14 Fun Children’s Book Series for this Summer!
When the days get longer and the sun shines warmer, you know that the summer vacations are around the corner. While the kids can’t wait for the holidays to start, parents view the same with a good measure of trepidation.
7 Books That Celebrate Sibling Bonds
“Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson How do you think kids are likely to describe their siblings? In all probability, the list of adjectives would look something like
Teachers We Wish Were Real!
Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system. – Sidney Hook Isn’t that so true! Our best memories from school are of friends and teachers who warmed our