About Us

At BookGuru, we aim to grow a lifelong love of reading in all children by putting each child at the centre of our library offering.

We recognise that every child has his/her own unique journey as a reader and their own reading needs. And we truly believe that when a child receives the attention and understanding that they need, they grow into readers for life.

Our personalised, child-centric approach shows in all aspects of our premium offering:

  • Each child gets personalised book recommendations that are ‘Just Right’ for them – mapped to their reading, comprehension and interest levels
  • It can be hard to find great books. According to research*, 87% of Indian kids would read more if they found the right books. That’s why we carefully curate our library from around the globe, looking for the best books. Whatever your child’s interests, they are sure to find great books of their choice. We have books covering all 16 genres of fictions and non-fiction.
  • We reward each child for his/her reading accomplishments. There are no comparisons. Reading is a beautiful journey which each child should enjoy at his/her own pace.
  • Our exclusive members’ only book club keeps our readers motivated with fun activities and interactive meetups.

Armed with the vision of providing the best reading experience to all children, BookGuru was founded in 2019. And since then, our rapidly growing community of readers is a testimony to this vision.

BookGuru is a premium children’s library unlike any other that you may have come across.

We would love to have you onboard!

*Scholastic KFRR, India Edition

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680 chapterone@qodeinteractive.com
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