Why Reading Whiz?

‘Reading well’ is a critical parameter for academic and social success. With the vision of having children ‘read well’, the Reading Whiz
competition encourages children to enhance their vocabulary,
reading comprehension, and fluency skills.

Enroling Is As Simple as 1-2-3

Step 1

Enrol for the competition (KG to Grade 5)

Step 2

You will receive a confirmation via email and WhatsApp within 24 to 48 hours with more details

Step 3

Get reading!

Competition Overview

Date: 10th to 16th January 2023 (7 days)

Location: Online (BookGuru Web App)

Competition Details

  1. Participants read grade appropriate books on the BookGuru web app
  2. Participants answer the comprehension quiz for each book read
  3. Words read with 80% or more comprehension are monitored and tracked

Round 2

Date: 16th January,2021

Location: Zoom

Grade wise

Round Break-Up

  1. Unseen passage to evaluate comprehension
  2. Vocabulary based activity
  3. Read aloud to assess fluency

Grand finale

Date: 23rd January,2021

Location: Zoom

Grade wise

Round Break-Up

  1. Interactive round assessing vocabulary, comprehension and fluency

Winners & Runners Up

for Reading Whiz January 2023


Who can enter the competition?

Any child who is currently in KG to grade 5 can enter the competition.

What do I need for the competition?

You will need the following:

  • A computer or tablet with internet connectivity
  • Parent/Guardian who can assist with technical/procedural requirements.
How much does the competition cost?

Enrolment fee is Rs.299 (Early Bird price) per student till 10th December 2022.

Enrolment fee from 11th December 2022 till 05th January 2023 is Rs.499

Registration closes on midnight 05th January 2023.

I wish to understand more about Reading Whiz, who can I get in touch with?

You can send all your queries to info@bookguruonline.com or call/WhatsApp us on +91 9008431843, and we will get back to you within 24 working hours.

Where will the competition be held?

The competition will take place online on the BookGuru web app.

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680 chapterone@qodeinteractive.com
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